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The importance of making a will

by | Jun 6, 2023

When it comes to preparing for the future, one crucial aspect that often gets overlooked is making a will. A will serves as a blueprint for the distribution of your assets and personal belongings after you’re gone, ensuring your wishes are carried out and your loved ones are taken care of.

In this blog post, we’ll delve into the art of legacy planning and walk you through the step-by-step process of making a will.

Key Takeaways

  1. Making a will gives you control over how your assets and personal belongings are distributed after your passing. Without a will, your estate may be subject to intestacy laws, leaving the distribution in the hands of the court. Making a will ensures that your possessions are allocated according to your desires.
  2. By making a will, you can appoint an executor who will be responsible for carrying out your instructions and handling the administrative tasks associated with settling your estate. Choosing a trusted and capable executor simplifies the process for your loved ones during a challenging time.
  3. Life is dynamic, and your circumstances may change over time. It is important to regularly review and update your will to ensure it accurately reflects your current wishes. Major life events and changes in your financial situation should prompt a review of your will. Consulting with professionals, such as estate planning attorneys, can help ensure that any necessary updates are made correctly.

Making a will is a crucial step in ensuring your final wishes are respected and your loved ones are provided for. Without a will in place, your estate may be subject to intestacy laws, leaving the distribution of your assets in the hands of the court. By taking the time to create a will, you gain control over the allocation of your possessions and assets, ensuring they are distributed according to your desires.

Moreover, making a will allows you to appoint an executor who will be responsible for carrying out the instructions outlined in your will. This chosen individual will handle the administrative tasks associated with settling your estate, simplifying the process for your loved ones during a challenging time.

Making a will is an important task that everyone should consider. It can be uncomfortable to think about your own mortality and the value of your possessions after you’re gone, but once it’s complete, a will is one of the most important documents you will ever create. Wills ensure your last wishes are respected in your absence.

When making a will, it should set out who you would like to benefit from it, who should look after any children under 18, who is going to sort out your estate and carry out your wishes after your death (your executor), and what happens if the people you want to benefit die before you. You can also include a charity in your will.

It is not necessary to use a solicitor when making a will. However, if you have complex financial affairs or if you are unsure about how to make a will, it may be advisable to use a solicitor. The cost of using a solicitor varies depending on the complexity of the will and where you live.

To make sure that your will is valid, it must be made by a person who is 18 years old or over and made voluntarily and without pressure from any other person and made by a person who is of sound mind. This means the person must be fully aware of the nature of the document being in writing and signed.

The Step-by-Step Process of Making a Will

Step 1: Determine your goals and wishes.
Before embarking on the process of making a will, it’s essential to clearly define your goals and wishes. Consider how you want your assets to be distributed, who you want to appoint as beneficiaries, and any specific instructions you have for your funeral or final arrangements. Take the time to reflect on your values and priorities, ensuring your will reflects your true intentions.

Step 2: Inventory your assets and liabilities.
To create an accurate will, you need to have a comprehensive understanding of your assets and liabilities. Compile a detailed list of your properties, bank accounts, investments, and personal belongings. Additionally, make note of any outstanding debts or liabilities that may need to be settled upon your passing. This inventory will serve as a valuable resource when allocating your assets in your will.

Step 3: Seek professional guidance.
While it is possible to create a will on your own, seeking professional guidance from an estate planning attorney is highly recommended. An attorney can provide invaluable advice, help navigate complex legal requirements, and ensure your will is drafted in accordance with the laws of your jurisdiction. Their expertise will help you avoid potential pitfalls and ensure your will is legally binding.

Step 4: Choose an executor.
Executors are responsible for managing your estate. Selecting the right executor for your will is a critical decision. An executor will ensure that your assets are distributed as per your wishes set out in your will, and handling any legal and financial matters that arise. Consider someone you trust implicitly, who is organized, reliable, and capable of handling the responsibilities associated with being an executor.

Step 5: Drafting your will.
With the guidance of your attorney, you will begin the process of drafting your will. This legal document will outline your wishes regarding the distribution of your assets, guardianship of minor children, and any other specific instructions you have. Be sure to clearly state your intentions, using concise and unambiguous language to avoid any potential confusion.

Step 6: Signing and witnessing your will.
To make your will legally binding, you must sign it in the presence of witnesses. The specific requirements for witnesses vary by jurisdiction, so be sure to consult your solicitor to ensure compliance with local laws. Generally, two or more witnesses are required, and they should be competent adults who are not beneficiaries named in the will. The witnesses must observe the signing of the will and sign it themselves to affirm its validity.

Step 7: Safely store your will
Once your will is signed and witnessed, it’s crucial to keep it in a safe and accessible place. Inform your executor of its location and provide them with a copy. Consider storing the original will in a fireproof safe or a secure location, such as a bank safety deposit box. Additionally, keep copies of your will with your important documents, such as insurance policies and property deeds.

Step 8: Regularly review and update your will
Life is dynamic, and your circumstances may change over time. It is essential to review and update your will periodically to ensure it accurately reflects your current wishes. Major life events, such as marriage, divorce, the birth of children, or acquiring significant assets, may necessitate amendments to your will. Consult with your attorney to make any necessary updates and keep your will up to date.

The Benefits of Making a Will

Making a will offers numerous benefits that go beyond the distribution of assets. Let’s explore some of the key advantages:

  • Peace of mind: Creating a will provides peace of mind, knowing that your loved ones will be taken care of and your assets will be distributed as you intended.
  • Protection for minors: A will allows you to appoint a guardian for your minor children, ensuring they are cared for by someone you trust in the event of your untimely passing.
  • Avoiding family disputes: Clearly outlining your wishes in a will can help prevent potential conflicts and disputes among family members, as your intentions will be legally documented.
  • Tax planning: Through careful estate planning, you can minimize the tax burden on your beneficiaries, ensuring more of your assets are passed on to your loved ones.

Common mistakes to avoid

While making a will is a vital step in estate planning, there are some common mistakes that should be avoided. By being aware of these pitfalls, you can ensure your will is comprehensive and legally binding:

  • DIY pitfalls: Opting for a do-it-yourself approach without seeking professional guidance may result in errors or oversights that render your will invalid.
  • Lack of clarity: Failing to clearly express your wishes and intentions in your will can lead to confusion and potential disputes among your beneficiaries.
  • Failure to update: Neglecting to review and update your will regularly can result in outdated provisions that no longer align with your current circumstances or intentions.
  • Forgetting digital assets: In today’s digital age, it’s essential to consider and include instructions regarding your digital assets, such as online accounts, social media profiles, and digital files.

Communicating Your Wishes

While a will legally outlines your wishes, it can also be beneficial to communicate your intentions to your loved ones while you are still alive. Discussing your estate planning choices can help manage expectations, provide clarity, and reduce the potential for family conflicts. Consider having open and honest conversations with your family members, explaining your decisions and the reasoning behind them. This open dialogue can foster understanding and ensure a smoother transition when the time comes.

The Role of Professional Advisors

Throughout the process of making a will, professional advisors play a crucial role in providing guidance and expertise. Apart from estate planning solicitors, you may also consider involving financial advisors, accountants, and insurance professionals to ensure all aspects of your estate are comprehensively addressed. These experts can provide valuable insights into tax planning, asset protection, and the most effective strategies for preserving and transferring your wealth.

Importance of Regular Review and Updates

Creating a will is not a one-and-done task. It is essential to regularly review and update your will to ensure its continued relevance and effectiveness. Life is full of changes, both big and small, and these changes can impact the distribution of your assets and the implementation of your wishes. By reviewing and updating your will periodically, you can adapt to new circumstances and ensure that your legacy is preserved in the way you desire.

Major life events such as marriage, divorce, the birth or adoption of children, and the death of a beneficiary or executor should prompt a review of your will. Additionally, changes in your financial situation, such as acquiring new assets or selling existing ones, should be considered. It is crucial to consult with your attorney during these reviews to ensure that any necessary updates are made properly and in accordance with the law.

Regularly reviewing and updating your will not only ensures its accuracy but also provides an opportunity to reconsider your wishes and make any necessary adjustments. As time goes on, your priorities and perspectives may change, and it is essential to reflect these changes in your will. By staying proactive in maintaining your will, you can have confidence that your intentions will be accurately carried out when the time comes.

Legacy Planning Beyond the Will

While a will is a vital part of legacy planning, it is not the only tool at your disposal. Consider exploring additional strategies to further enhance and preserve your legacy:

Trusts: Trusts can provide added flexibility and control over the distribution of your assets. They can be used to protect and manage assets for specific purposes, such as education or charitable endeavours.

Charitable Giving: Including charitable bequests or establishing a charitable foundation can leave a lasting impact on causes you care about, ensuring your philanthropic endeavours continue even after you’re gone.

Life Insurance: Life insurance policies can be a valuable tool for providing financial support to your loved ones or ensuring the liquidity of your estate for the smooth transfer of assets.

Advance Healthcare Directives: In addition to making a will, consider creating advance healthcare directives, such as a living will or healthcare power of attorney, to outline your medical treatment preferences and appoint someone to make healthcare decisions on your behalf.

Seeking Professional Assistance

Creating a will and engaging in comprehensive estate planning can be complex and nuanced. Therefore, it is advisable to seek the assistance of professionals who specialize in this field. Estate planning attorneys, financial advisors, and accountants can provide invaluable guidance, ensuring that your wishes are accurately reflected in legal documents and that your assets are protected and optimized for the future.

These professionals can help you navigate the intricacies of estate laws, minimize tax implications, and devise strategies to safeguard your wealth. With their expertise, you can have confidence that your legacy will be preserved, your loved ones will be taken care of, and your wishes will be respected.


Making a will is an essential step in preparing for the future and leaving a lasting impression. By following the step-by-step process outlined in this guide, you can create a legally binding document that reflects your wishes, protects your assets, and ensures the well-being of your loved ones. Remember to regularly review and update your will, communicate your intentions with your family, and consider additional strategies for comprehensive legacy planning. With careful consideration and professional guidance, you can leave a legacy that reflects your values and provides for future generations.

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